Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Canker Sore Treatment

Here i will discuss some canker sore remedies which have worked for me each and every time! Hopefully you will learn some terrific remedies that you can use if you get these terrible and annoying sores.

First off is the well regarded baking soda cure. Baking soda has become known worldwide to heal canker sores quickly and with almost no effort. What you need to do is mix some baking soda with warm water and rinse your mouth with it. The pain and overall annoying feeling of it should go away within two days. Also, should you not want to do this method, you may also simply make a cream from the baking soda and water and put it where your canker sore is. There are also a number of other canker sore remedies that work well personally.

Another great canker sore treatment that works well is using Cayenne to desensitize the nerves that create pain. This certain type of pepper contains capsaicin, and all you have to know about it is that it allows you to feel less pain and irritated from your sore. But, just as a note, don't have too much of the pepper because some individuals get irritated because of it should they have too much.

Canker sore remedies may be as elementary as pressing a tea bag against your canker sore. What does this do? Well, tea bags contain something called tannic acid which is supposed to ease the pain sensation and heal your annoying sore.

If you want more, plum juice may help your cause of curing your canker sore. Simply rinse your mouth out with it for 1-2 minutes, or get yourself a cotton ball and soak it with plum juice and dab your canker sore.

After that, another option would be to utilize potassium chlorate. Combine a teaspoon of potassium chlorate with a cup of water and employ that solution to gargle several times per day. As a reminder, you will be gargling the solution, so you shouldn't be swallowing any of it.

These are a number of canker sore remedies which i have just listed here. I suggest that you go through each one and make a choice that suits you and one where you possess the ingredients available. You are going to be extremely happy that you used one of these simple remedies and got rid of your annoying and painful canker sores. Finally, in the event the remedy you picked failed to work out for you personally, just choose another because it will certainly work!

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